研究実績の概要 |
The implementation plan is to develop a program for language teaching with parsed corpora. The components are: 1) a grammar textbook focused on English language learning for Japanese students at university level, 2) a large grammatically analysed corpus of English, also linked to Japanese language analysis for purposes of comparison, and 3) the development of a "toolkit" for analysis creation, for students to start analysing their own written language. The goal is to empower students to critically analyse their own use of language and be drawn to explore wider insights from the grammatically analysed corpus. The third year of the project has seen further development in all three components of the project.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Textbook development continued, branched into: (i) an introductory guide for the English parsed corpus, and (ii) a supplement to a published textbook linking to corpus queries. Results have been released on the web. While the size of the analysed corpus hasn't increased (43,835 trees; 467,414 words), many improvements were made to the analysis. Most notably verb codes were added (currently 34,406 completed instances, but 42,051 incomplete instances) to assist with word sense disambiguation. The largest amount of work went into improving the online corpus interface. This was described in a conference presentation (LENLS 18), and is available from https://entrees.github.io/.