研究実績の概要 |
The following are the major achievements of the final year (2023.4~2024.3) of this research project: (1) Analysis of data collected from 10 workplaces continued, (2) Research results were published (2 book chapters, 1 book) and presented at conferences (1 domestic, 4 international), (3) An international conference/workshop was held at Ryukoku University in Feb. 2024 and renowned sociolinguist, Prof. Meredith Marra, was invited as the plenary speaker, (4) Prof. Marra also gave a public lecture at Kansai University in Mar. 2024, (5) Relations with overseas linguists were strengthened through Prof. Marra's visit, as she is the Director of the New Zealand Language in the Workplace Project, (6) A website that will allow public access to the results of this project is presently under construction. These results add to the list of successes that have been achieved by members of the project since it began in 2019, despite the difficulties caused by the Corona virus pandemic. Achievements during the previous 4 year period (2019.4~2023.3) include: 14 published academic journal articles and book chapters; 4 books; 30 presentations at conferences, and the holding of a roundtable event entitled 「多言語多文化のワークプレイス研究 ― 日本の職場でのコミュニケーションを描く―」in Dec. 2022 at Kansai University.