研究実績の概要 |
In 2021, I implemented pre-test and post-test instruments and generated data from two different universities. The cohort were using the same material and were being taught by the same professor. The data was analysed using Excel but no significant differences were identified between the cohorts or between pre- and post-test data. I have postulated that the reason for the result was because the second language proficiency of both cohorts was above the threshold to render a meaningful result. That is, the students' English proficiency was high enough not to have experienced any additional cognitive load on their learning repertoires and therefore were not restricted in any way. Accordingly, I have asked for another year's extension to repeat the pre- and post-test with the same institutions plus including additional students from two institutions that are theoretically learning in English but where the students language proficiencies are between 1000 and 2000 words. The study has also helped to guide the following publications. Field. M.H. (2021) Culture in Context aka Cultural Cognition, Textbook, Modular Press Publisher, ISBN tba Frank, I. & Field, M.H. (2021) The Dawn of Reiwa: Waves, Revolutions and an “A.I. Society”, The Handbook of Higher Education in Japan, Series Title: Japan Documents, Paul Snowden (Ed.), Ch.25. pp (362-378), MHM Limited: Tokyo
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
4: 遅れている
Other than the Covid19 pandemic and all the associated constraints related to access and control of variables, as outlined above the reason for the result was because the second language proficiency of both cohorts was above the threshold to render a meaningful result. That is, the students' English proficiency was high enough not to have experienced any additional cognitive load on their learning repertoires and therefore were not restricted in any way. Therefore, I will repeat the pre- and post-test with the same institutions but will include additional students from two institutions that are theoretically learning in English but where the students language proficiencies are reported to be less than 2000 words.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The pre- and post-test tests are being implemented across four institutions wherein the student English language proficiencies are different (native to less than 1000 words). All students are undertaking courses taught only in English, classified by some as EMI classes. With this repeated implementation, I will also include an additional variable between the two lower proficiency groups, that being digital translation software. The high proficiency groups will also include online and in-person variables with the same teacher.