I have completed analysis and publication of the results of my Delphi study.The results of my study suggest that whilst some aspects of global competence delineated in Western frameworks are similarly important in Japan, in the Japanese context additional factors concerning self-expression and critical thinking require explicit attention that is lacking in the wider literature. I was able to develop the first Japan-specific framework outlining the primary facets and challenges of global competence development for students in Japan. I hope this will be of benefit in guiding future global competence education efforts in Japan.
すべて 2022
すべて 雑誌論文 (2件) (うち国際共著 2件、 査読あり 2件) 学会発表 (1件) (うち国際学会 1件)
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
巻: 91 ページ: 216-228
Journal of Studies in International Education.
巻: Advanced online ページ: N/A