研究実績の概要 |
本年度の研究では、宋代以降の刑罰制度において、死刑に次ぐ重刑が犯罪者を軍隊に編入して服役させるかたちをとったのは、現住地から強制移住をさせて、その社会的な隔離をはかるとともに、当人の戸籍を民籍から兵籍に変更することで無期の強制労働を科すためであった事実を論証した。したがって、これより罪が軽い者については、強制移住に処す点では変わらないものの、終身兵役に就かせて強制労働をさせるかわり、罪状に応じて有期の強制労働を科すか、単なる社会的隔離で済ませる方法がとられたのである。 また、『慶元条法事類』刑獄門の訳注作業を通じて、今回の研究成果を明らかにするとともに、内外の研究者がこの史料を十分に活用できるようにはかった。
This study demonstrates that, in the penal system from the Song period onwards, the second most severe punishment after the death penalty took the form of enlisting criminals in the army for labour service in order to both socially isolate them and change their household registration to registration with the armed forces, thereby imposing forced labour on them for life. In other words, so long as the punishment for criminals was limited to forced labour for a definite term, they could be subject to forced relocation but not to a change in their household registration. In addition, the results of this research were made public through an annotated translation of the Qingyuan tiaofa shilei 慶元条法事類 (Classified laws of the Qingyuan era), and efforts were also made to enable researchers both in Japan and abroad to fully utilize the relevant historical sources.