研究実績の概要 |
During this first year of this grant, I have completed research trips to Shanghai, Xi'an, Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. I have extensively photographed museum exhibitions and public monuments in these locations, gathering data on the representation of the histories of 'minority' ethnic groups and the regions of Hong Kong and Taiwan. I have also collected exhibition catalogues and school history textbooks relevant to this project. I have begun sorting, collating and analysing this material. I have published various papers, including a journal article on the representation of 'minorities' in Chinese history textbooks since the 1990s, and have presented related papers at an international workshop on 'history education and reconciliation'.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The progress of the research so far has been satisfactory. I have managed to complete most of the research trips I planned for the first year of this project. I have also collected and collated a substantial proportion of the data I need, and have begun to produce related publications. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, I was forced to cancel a research trip to Southeast China and Hong Kong that I had planned for March 2020. However, I had by that point in any case already used up my funding for the 2019 academic year. If I am able to undertake that trip along with my other planned research visits to China within the next year, then I am hopeful of being able to complete this project on schedule.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
During the early part of FY 2020, I will continue to collate and analyse material that I have already collected for this project. The COVID-19 pandemic currently prevents me from traveling to China to collect further data, but I am hopeful that it will once again become possible to travel to China from late 2020. I am therefore planning to schedule my research trips for late 2020 and early 2021. I plan to travel to Hong Kong, Guangdong, Fujian, Tibet, Xinjiang and Beijing. Meanwhile, I will do as much preparatory work as I can online, while seeking help from researchers in China to collect further data, wherever possible. I will prepare a proposal to publish a monograph related to this project, and plan to write that book during 2021-22. I continue to work on related publications.