研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 金沢大学 |
研究代表者 |
Mikhailov Alex.S 金沢大学, ナノ生命科学研究所, リサーチ・プロフェッサー (00817364)
研究分担者 |
北畑 裕之 千葉大学, 大学院理学研究院, 准教授 (20378532)
好村 滋行 首都大学東京, 理学研究科, 准教授 (90234715)
小谷野 由紀 東北大学, 理学研究科, JSPS特別研究員(PD) (50849643)
研究期間 (年度) |
2019-04-01 – 2022-03-31
キーワード | enzymes / colloids / glasses / nonequilibrium transport |
研究実績の概要 |
The mathematical multi-particle model of an active crowded colloid, consisting of the dumbbell particles that cyclically change their shapes, was constructed. Its parameter values, characteristic for cytoplasm of bacterial cells, were determined. Computer simulation methods for this model were developed. First numerical simulations for systems with a relatively small numbers of particles were undertaken. They have shown that, in absence of conformational activity, the colloids behaved as glasses where diffusion and relaxation processes were slowed down very much; large deviations from Gaussian statistics were also observed. A strong increase in diffusion was found when conformational activity was introduced and gradually increased. This was accompanied by a rapid decrease in the relaxation time and disappearance of non-Gaussian statistical effects. Therefore, non-equilibrium fluidization of the colloid, similar to that seen in the experiments with biological cells, could be seen in the simulations. The results were published as a rapid communication in EPL. Considering non-equilibrium hydrodynamic effects of enzyme, we performed an analytical and numerical study of hydrodynamic force dipoles in the minimal active dimer model of a mechanochemical enzyme. The findings of the study were used to improve quantitative estimates for diffusion enhancement in solutions of catalytically active enzymes. Moreover, we demonstrated that conformational activity in colloids can lead to a decrease in viscosity of such polymer solutions. These results were published in Physical Review E.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
As shown above, we have studied on the conformationally active colloids and hydrodynamical effects of enzymes, and published the results in EPL. Thus, we consider our project is proceeding as scheduled.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The computer for numerical calculations was planned to be bought at the Kanazawa university. But the computer will be mainly used by Dr. Koyano at the Tohoku university. It is convenient to have the computer at the Tohoku university, so the distribution of money will be changed.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
We have spent less money than expeceted because we could use the computer for numerical calculation in the institute. Moreover, the amount of travel fee was also less than expected. In the next project year, we are planning to buy a computer for the numerical calculation, which will be equipped at Tohoku university, since Koyano will mainly perform the numerical calculation.