研究実績の概要 |
We found that hepatitis B virus can control the expression of SKIV2L through the function of HBx protein. In 2020 we aimed to investigate the host factors that are targeted by SKIV2L/RNA exosome system and affect viral pathogenesis. RNA-seq analysis was performed, and we identified that the expression of several interferon stimulated genes (ISGs) and cancer suppressor genes has been increased after silencing of SKIV2L. These data were confirmed by real time PCR. We also analyzed the role of SKIV2L on another Hepatitis virus (HDV). Interestingly, we found that suppressing SKIV2L expression significantly suppressed HDV RNA titer. Confirming that SKIV2L/RNA exosome system is involved in the regulation of several viral infection.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In 2021, we aim to understand the role of the ISGs, and cancer suppressor genes identified by the RNA-seq analysis on viral life cycle. To do that HBV, or HDV infection will be conducted in cells lacking the expression of these genes; rescue experiments will be performed by gain of function, and the effect of these genes on viral life cycle, and/or acquiring carcinogenic phenotype will be monitored. These data will be followed by mechanistic analysis using protein/protein interaction experiments to identify interacting molecules, confocal microscopy will be used for the subcellular localization and co-localization, .... until the entire mechanism is revealed.