研究実績の概要 |
n this project, we focused on animal and human studies at different stages of diabetes with different types of diabetes. We used various types of exercise regimens both in animal and human subjects with diabetes. One of our crucial findings is that if we can detect the pre-diabetes stage and start soon even mild exercise, this exercise can significantly prevent or delay the diabetes development from the pre-diabetes stage. A sizeable human cohort study is going on. We already know that VEGF signaling is a crucial signaling altered organ-dependently at the early stage of diabetes. This altered VEFG signaling is the crucial factor in initiating diabetic complications. Here both from animal and human studies, we found that various types of exercise regimens work effectively through VEGF system modulation in different organs at various stages of diabetes. In some cases, exercise prevents diabetes-organ complications through VEGF system upregulation, and also exercise arrests diabetic organ complications through VEGF system suppression. In this research, we used two types of diabetes models: one is OLETF rats, and another is the high fatty diet-induced diabetic model. In human studies, we measured biochemical diabetic parameters before and after exercise. In addition, we assessed cognition, cardiac parameters, renal parameters, and eye function before and after exercise. Lifestyle medicine plays a crucial role through lifestyle medication to combat diabetes and its complications, as evidenced in the current study from both animal and human studies pieces of evidence.