研究実績の概要 |
We investigated the removal of elemental mercury from a simulated waste incineration flue gas composition using slaked lime and a FeS and FeS2 composites as the adsorbents, and the following results were obtained. The slaked lime and FeS and FeS2 composites were able to remove mercury. In the slaked lime and FeS and FeS2 composites, the removal rate was increased with reducing particle size of the adsorbents, decreasing space velocity, and increasing concentration of HCl in the flue gas. Mercury was removed primarily in the form of HgCl2, and HCl in the flue gas facilitated mercury removal. The coexistence of HCl and SO2 also enhanced the mercury removal performance of the adsorbents. We also developed metal oxide adsorbents suitable for removing mercury from coal gasification gas atmosphere. Particularly, Fe2O3-CeO2 adsorbents was developed with varying composition and they were tested for elemental mercury removal from simulated coal gasification gas. The durability and regenerability of the adsorbents were also investigated.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
We developed several metal oxide and metal sulfide adsorbents for mercury removal from coal gasification gas and waste incineration flue gas and the outcome of the research has been presented in the following conferences. 1.Kento FUJIYAMA , Md. Azhar UDDIN , Yoshiei KATO; “Development of sorbents for the removal of elemental mercury from coal gasification gas”; Proceedings of The 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019); September 23-27, 2019, Sapporo, Japan. 2.山田隆成、Uddin Md. Azhar、「加藤嘉英;Ce-Zn系酸化物による石炭ガス化ガス中の水銀除去」、第22回化学工学会学生発表会 (岡山大会) 2020年3月7日(土) 岡山大学津島キャンパス. 3. 藤山健人, UDDIN Md Azhar, 加藤嘉英:「消石灰と金属硫化物複合体による廃棄物焼却排ガス中の金属水銀の除去」化学工学会第51回秋季大会 , W117 (2020) 4. Md. Azhar Uddin, Kento Fujiyama, Yoshiei Kato; “DEVELOPMENT OF ADSORBENTS FOR THE REMOVAL OF ELEMNTAL MURCURY FROM COAL GASIFICATION GAS"; Proceeding of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Virtual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference; September 20, 2021 to September 23, 2021.