研究実績の概要 |
The main tasks accomplished during FY 2022-2023 are : 1) A second survey was conducted in both Japan and Spain in February and March 2022. This survey received over 200 responses in Japan and over 400 in Spain. University students taking language classes were asked about their opinions on the relationship between language education and the labor market from a variety of perspectives. The results of this survey are currently being compiled. 2)An oral presentation titled "The Present and Future of Multilingualism in Tertiary Education from the Perspective of Language Teachers; A Comparative Study of Japan and Spain (語学教員から見た第三期教育における多言語主義の現状と未来;日本とスペインの比較研究)" was given at the 44th National Convention and 2022 International Academic Conference held by the Japan Association for Comparative Culture in May 2022. This talk focused on the contents of the first survey results. 3) An article titled "Comparison of Japanese Companies' and Universities' Perceptions of Global Jinzai" (Studies in Comparative Culture, No. 150) was published in February 2023. The paper shows that responding to society's demand for education that promotes cross-cultural understanding, particularly in initiative and communication skills, can help prepare Japanese university students for access to a globalized labor market.