研究実績の概要 |
The project’s first-year plan included: 1) recoding asylum policy data for longitudinal analyses; 2) conducting archival research on European states’ asylum policies utilizing multiple online and physical resources in Europe; 3) coding the archival data for content analysis; and 4) preparing for/presenting my research at an international conference.
In August 2019, I presented a paper on migrant rights at the American Sociological Association’s annual meeting and received helpful feedback for thinking about rights in general for itinerant populations ( 4) above). I am currently carrying out 1) and will continue to do so through this summer (2020) while taking a relevant methodological workshop (see below). Unfortunately, with the Coronavirus crisis, my trip to London (scheduled for March 2019) had to be cancelled at the last minute, making it difficult to carry out parts of 2) and 3).
As such, with limited opportunities to travel to collect data, I have had to shift from a mixture of archival, secondary, and primary (part of the initial second-year plan) data collection/analyses to mainly a secondary data-based approach. With this, I have decided to further hone my abilities in the various relevant analytical techniques I will need by taking online workshops offered by the University of Michigan’s ICPSR Summer Program (this dovetails with a portion of the initial third-year plan).
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
Until February 2020, the project was largely on schedule, but the aforementioned unforeseeable and sudden developments in early spring have necessitated adjustments in data collection and analyses, thereby causing some delays. Although slightly behind schedule at this moment, the project is directionally still on track and in the position to carry out its proposed 3-year objectives.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
As mentioned above, with the project’s shift to secondary data collection/analyses as its main approach, I have found the need to gain a deeper understanding of various analytical techniques, most - but not all - of which are quantitative and involving longitudinal, survival, and multi-level methods. To do so, I will take multiple online workshops offered by the University of Michigan’s ICPSR Summer Program (mid-May to mid-August 2020).
With this training, I will complete 1) above, and by shifting to online resources, gather information on European states’ asylum policies ( 2) above) by fall 2020. Furthermore, as life returns to normal across the globe, I will search for international outlets to present my research, and if possible, carry out my initial London trip to collect archival data ( 2) and 4) above).
Once these tasks are completed, I will spend extended time on not only coding these data ( 3) above), but also analyzing the data from multiple angles using the analytical skills honed through my training over the summer (in lieu of the primary interview data collection and analysis that I had initially planned for the second year). As such, I will strive to start the third year of this project as scheduled so that in the final year, I can synthesize multiple years of findings and analyses to understand how, why, and when the institutionalization of humanitarian protections policies emerge, and submit my overall findings for peer-reviewed publication (part of the initial third-year plan).
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
Due to the potential health risks of travelling during the Coronavirus crisis, my trip to London (scheduled for March 2019) along with my flight and hotel reservations had to be cancelled at the last minute. I was able to obtain partial refunds, and the refunded amounts and some unused travel expenses are what remain from last year’s budget. I will add these funds to this year’s budget to pay for my initially planned second-year expenses and the online workshops offered by the University of Michigan’s ICPSR Summer Program (mid-May to mid-August 2020).