研究実績の概要 |
- Putra, R. A., Ovsiannikov, K., & Kotani, K. (2022). COVID-19-associated income loss and job loss: Evidence from Indonesia (No. SDES-2022-4 Working paper); - Ovsiannikov, K., & Kotani, K., Morita H. (2022). Online productivity and types of assignments in a Japanese workplace (No. SDES-2022-5 Working paper).
- Ovsiannikov, K. "Market Valuation of Corporate Technological Assets: The Case of Japan's Institutional Adaptability". Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), 2-5 July 2021; - Ovsiannikov, K. "Individual- and Group-Productivity in an Online Environment: the Case of Japan". Second meeting of the Cercle de la FFJ, 17 November 2021; - Jentzsch, H. & Ovsiannikov, K. "Socio-economic decline and voting behavior in rural peripheries: In search for Japan's rural populist potential". Populism in Regional Japan: Where is the "Revenge of the Places That Don't Matter"? 17-18 December 2021
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
Most of the 2021 conferences were held online, preventing me from spending the funds on business trips. However, in 2022, most of the international and Japanese conferences will be held in a face-to-face format, allowing me to use the research grant.