研究実績の概要 |
Peer-reviewed articles: Putra, R., Ovsiannikov, K., & Kotani, K. (2023). COVID-19-associated income loss and job loss: Evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Asian Economics (accepted for publication) Working papers: Jentzsch, H., & Ovsiannikov, K. (2023). Electoral Behavior in Japan's "Depopulating Regions": Searching for the missing link between socio-economic decline and electoral stability in Japan Conference presentations: Jentzsch, H., & Ovsiannikov, K. (2022). Why Do Peripheralized Areas Continue to Support the Party in Power? Searching for the Missing Link between Socio-Economic Decline and Political Stability in Japan. SASE Annual Meeting, University of Amsterdam (11 July, 2022)
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
For the main research I have been conducting at Kochi University of Technology, it took longer than expected to get the response from the peer-reviewed journals. However, now that one of the papers I have co-authored is published, I can better concentrate on the 若手研究 project.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
- submitting the working paper "Does Tokyo Stock Exchange Appreciate Corporate Innovations? Role of Patents’ Quality and Research Productivity" to the peer-reviewed journal
- submitting the working paper (co-authored with Koji Kotani. & Hodaka Morita) "Online productivity and types of assignments in a Japanese workplace" to the peer-reviewed journal
- presenting the paper "Analyzing the 'kaso vote': peripheralization, redistribution, and electoral stability in Japan’s depopulating municipalities" with Hanno Jentzsch (Leiden University) at the EAJS (European Association of Japanese Studies) 2023 conference (Ghent, Belgium)