研究実績の概要 |
In 2019, the research emphases were loaded to the construction of datasets and medical costs effect of the DPC/PDPS. By appropriate extracting and collating, datasets were settled down in June. During the process, we also summarized basic statistics for investigations on medical costs, LOS, and healthcare quality, respectively. Briefly, we found that healthcare providers responded opportunistically to the reform, moving some procedures out of the bundled inpatient setting to FFS cares, leading to no reduction in cost. There was some evidence of a deterioration in health outcomes, though mortality was not affected. In sum, the results suggest that in some cases, a hybrid payment system can be non-superior to either FFS or prospective payment system. We presented the results at international Health Economics Association and drafted the manuscript for publication.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In 2020, our first emphasis is to submit the manuscript of investigation I to target journals, which is expected to be completed by Q2. During the process, we will also start the investigation II of the DPC/PDPS effects on LOS. After the submission, we will be dedicated to the investigation II, major results of which is expected to be achieved no later than Q4. Meanwhile, we seek to present the findings of investigation II on various conferences for comments. We also expect to kick off the investigation III of the effects on healthcare quality during Q4.