研究実績の概要 |
The whole project is to search, identify, and study the rotationally supported disks around massive protostars. In 2019, we have published a paper on the massive protostellar source G339 in the Astrophysical Journal, which we have reported direct observation of the transition from an infalling envelope to a rotationally supported disk accompanied by change of chemical signatures. This is the first time that such transition has been identified with chemical signatures in massive star formation, which provides important guide for our future search for such sources. In 2019, we also published a paper about another massive protostar G45 in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, which we have identify the disk via observation of recombination lines of ionized gas, which provide another approach to search disks around massive protostars. In 2020, we published a paperin the Astrophysical Journal Letters about another massive protostellar source IRAS16547, in which we have identified clear chemical patterns with certain molecules exclusively trace the rotationally supported disks, which may be used as reliable disk diagnostic tools in the future. In 2019, we have applied following-up observations of the ALMA telescope to perform more detailed observations for G339 and G45. Both projects are approved and assigned with top rank priority. However, the observation is delayed to 2021 due to the pandemic.