研究実績の概要 |
Aim of study was to explore the effectiveness doula support to laboring women on their childbirth experience, satisfaction and health. This was before-after study with two independent samples which is consists women who gave birth before the implementation of intervention and those delivered during the intervention period. Study population was women who had vaginal delivery, singleton and healthy neonates, none severe pregnancy and birth complications, and gave birth at the selected maternity hospital study period. The study proposal was approved by the Institutional review board at the University of Tsukuba, and Ethical Committee at the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences. The first phase of the study the focus group interviews among the midwifes to understand their professional value, attitude, practice and their job satisfaction was conducted. The second phase, hospital based doula training, was conducted during 9-20th September, 2019 cooperation with researcher advisors and Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences by involving 4th grade bachelor program students in midwifery. Women’s self-reported questionnaire and medical data extraction were collected for 42 days before and during the intervention period. We set 7 days’ washout period after baseline data collection. The study has been conducted between 24 October, 2019 and 20 January, 2020. In total 842 women were participated in this study.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
The implementation of the study was planned in the second FY of the grant proposal. There are following reasons behind; 1) Literature review, tool translation and preparation were completed earlier than expected 2) Due to curriculum and schedule of the midwifery program 4th year, students were able to participate in the study till end February, 2020 3) Accordance with WHO guideline 2018, the selected maternity hospital was planning to introduce non-medical support by hiring nurse assists to their services in 2020.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Next FY, collected data will be analysed and findings of the study will be disseminated. It includes publishing articles at the peer reviewed journals, presenting at the professional community, conferences and social media to increase women's right and awareness of the doula, non-medical support and its availability.