研究実績の概要 |
(a) We completed several preprints on the following topics: geometry of hyperbolicity cones, error bounds for power cones and self-duality of polyhedral cones. Among our results, we were able to show that all hyperbolicity cones are amenable and we also investigated their automorphism group under certain conditions. For power cones, we completely determined their error bounds and automorphisms. Finally, we showed that self-duality for a polyhedral cone can be completely detected through the positive semidefiniteness of one of its slack matrices and we showed a surprising connection between slack matrices of irreducible self-dual polyhedral cones and extreme rays of doubly nonnegative matrices. (b) Following the revision of papers that were in peer-review in the previous fiscal year, several of those papers were finally accepted at important journals in optimization and neighbouring areas. This includes papers in SIAM Journal on Optimization, SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis, Mathematical Programming and Foundations of Computational Mathematics. (c) We presented our results in workshops and conferences both online and in-person. There were also research visits to collaborators in Australia and Brazil.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
Although the pandemic situation considerably improved in comparison with the previous fiscal years, travelling was still not easy and some of our research meetings got postponed. For the next fiscal year, we plan to use the remaining budget to visit research collaborators in order to advance the topics of this project.