研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 一般財団法人運輸総合研究所総合研究部 |
研究代表者 |
NGUYEN VAN・TRUONG 一般財団法人運輸総合研究所総合研究部, その他部局等, 研究員 (90837593)
研究期間 (年度) |
2019-04-01 – 2022-03-31
キーワード | Overtourism / qualitative analysis / quantitative analysis / overtourism policy |
研究実績の概要 |
The research started from 2019, unfortunately, under the civil effects of Covid-19. However, I have completed and submitted a paper to the Journal of Transport Policy Research. This paper is under reviewing.
Title: An Analysis of Overtourism Policies in Cities by Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Criteria
Summary: Overtourism has emerged as a global concern because of its worldwide negative impacts on society, culture, nature, and the environment. Local authorities have been implementing policies to solve the negative consequences to some extent. However, links between overtourism and the policy have rarely been investigated. This study categorized the policies into types and levels based on qualitative information and ranked the overtourism as ordinal with quantitative information. By investigating the data for selected cities, the correlation between policy strictness and overtourism degree was analysed. The findings indicate that the combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators might be a useful tool to compare overtourism degrees on a relative basis. Some typical types of reactions of destinations to the overtourism problem, which might be a determinant of destination tourism development, were found.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
As stated in the research proposal, this research focuses on the tourism impacts, specifically on the impacts of overtourism to local residents and tourists.
As the impact of COVID-19 pandemic since January 2019, global tourism industry since then dramatically reduced or temporarily stopped. This is the reason for the adjustment of the research design and the delay of research implementing.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
I have completed another research paper, entitled "Theoretical Structure of Tourism Negative Impacts: Overtourism and Tourism Management Perspective." The paper is under process of English proofreading before the submission to Tourism Management Journal. This paper may be submitted in October. The summary of the paper is as follow:
This study aims at developing an innovative structure of tourism negative impacts based on intensively reviewing the literature, where the “roots” of tourism negative impacts are identified and linked with the physical, economic, and social elements of destinations as well as local residents and tourists in the causal-effect paradigm. Based on the structure, the “routes” of tourism negative impacts are clearly presented. In each causal-effect path, the nature of the negative impacts will be clarified and the gaps of knowledge will be pointed out. In the light of the theoretical structure of tourism negative impacts, the study extents to offer a revision of overtourism concept in a more holistic viewpoint. In this new concept of overtourism, this study suggests considering the efficiency of local tourism authorities as an indicator of overtourism. Consequently, the study argues a multi-dimensional approach for research on tourism negative impacts. Policy implications will be discussed and further research directions will be finally sketched.
At the same time, I am working to adjust the research design for the interview survey. The survey time will be determined (later) based on the tourism situation that fit with the research aim.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
This study aims to research on the impacts of overtourism on both tourists and residents. Due to the negative impacts of Covid-19, tourism industry has significantly reduced or stopped. This led to the delay of the survey of this study. As Covid-19 changes the situation, we are adjusting the survey design and determine the suitable time in the future for the interview survey with taking the impacts of Covid-19 into consideration. Also, at this moment, one paper has completed and under the English Proofreading process. Another paper is drafting. The budget is needed for the publications.