研究実績の概要 |
During the first phase of the start-up research I have been able to carry out a thorough desk research on the topic of telecollaboration and its impact on developing intercultural communication skills in the learners of foreign languages. During the reporting periods (Oct2019-March2020) I have managed to carry out one 2-week field work to a number of universities in the USA and collect data. These data sets included a number of interviews with the international students studying in the USA, American researchers studying intercultural communication, and I have also worked at the libraries and accessed academic articles on the topic. As an outcome of the first stage of my research I am currently drafting a research article titled "The Inquiry-based model of telecollaboration: bridging the intra-cultural communicative learning and inter-cultural communicative competence". Upon completion this article will be submitted to an international peer-reviewed journal.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Looking to the future, and based on the current situation with the global spreading of the COVID19, I expect that the second phase of the research (from May 2020 onward) may potentially be delayed, especially, I am concerned about the limitations of international travel. The latter is needed to collect more interview samples, co-work with partner universities in a face-to-face format. In any case, I am currently re-designing my work schedule and looking into the possibilities of collecting data remotely with the support of my research co-collaborators abroad.