研究実績の概要 |
This research has been conducted as the baseline study in October 2019, the first intervention study in February 2020, and the second intervention study in July, 2020. As a baseline study, it was performed clinical oral examination, caries risk tests, questionnaire survey to guardians and oral health education. It was found that the oral health status of Myanmar children is unfavorable condition. Expansion of oral health awareness in both children and parents would be likely to improve the condition among Myanmar school children. The first intervention study was performed assessing the clinical oral examination, caries risk tests and oral health education. Four children were dropped out and the sample was 261. The second intervention study was performed as with the first intervention study. Some children (n=27) were dropped out and the sample was 234. The caries prevalence increased slightly in all groups during 6-month period, but no significant differences were found. Further, the differences in dt, mt, ft and dmft were not significant in the study groups at 6-month follow-up compared with the baseline. All caries risk test scores decreased from baseline to 6-month follow-up in the study groups (both plaque and saliva scores of Dentocult SM significantly decreased in Group A, while only salva score of Dentocult SM significantly decreased in Group B). On the other hand, no significant changes in any caries risk tests in Group C (control group).
今後の研究の推進方策 |
After the situation is stable, I will continue for the rest data collection. After data collection, it will be continued for data analysis, manuscript writing and paper publishing process, as well as academic presentation in an international conference. The information that we obtained will be kept confidential and encrypted to secure data. Further, the research data will be kept safely to maintain ethical privacy for ten years after this study.