研究実績の概要 |
Air pollution is one of the most significant environmental cause of diseases and premature deaths globally. Despite the substantial effects of ambient air on human health, the effects of the pollution underestimated in calculations of the health capital of nations. Polluted air-related diseases cause productivity losses that reduce wealth in low-income to middle-income countries significantly. The illness also results in health-care costs that are responsible for increasing annual health spending. My research focus is to identify and assess the burden of the ambient and forest fire induced air pollution on health capital. In a current research project I am collaborating to identify the loss of human capital in China due to air pollution. As part of this project and as a co-author we published the following article in Journal of Environmental Management. This research is a pioneer study to relate the burden of diseases and the health capital. The model is capable to capture the health damages due to air pollution as well as the economic impact of the damages simultaneously. Jingyu, W., Yuping B., Yihzong W., Zhihui L., Xiangzheng D., Islam M., & Managi S. (2020) Measuring Inclusive Wealth of China: Advances in Sustainable use of Resources. Journal of Environmental Management, 264, 110328. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110328
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
This research project aims to raise global awareness of the air pollution-related disease by clearly understanding its impact on the welfare loss of nations. Air pollution can no longer viewed as a separate environmental issue but is a transcendent problem that affects the health and wellbeing of entire societies. Data collected at the national and local levels are essential for measuring air pollution levels, identifying and apportioning appropriate responsibility to pollution source, evaluating the success of interventions, guiding enforcement, informing civil society and the public and assessing progress toward goals. This research aims to understand and control air pollution and to drive change in pollution policy. This research explore the importance to link air pollution, disease, and environmental policy. I will identify and map pollution exposures particularly in low-income and middle-income countries; improve estimates of the financial costs of air pollution and related disease and quantify the health benefits of interventions against air pollution.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The impact of air pollution is hampering the benefit of health capital and human wellbeing. However, it is always challenging to quantify the actual amount of damages and identifying the relevant policies for the countries. Initially, I have taken the challenges to quantifying this impact for the three significantly polluted but economically and demographically essential countries.This proposal is highly relevant to sustainable development goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations. Therefore, I am highly expecting to get the grant to ensure the welfare of nations. I am collaborating with UNEP. Exposure to air pollution increases mortality and shortens life expectancy. In the most severely affected countries, the air pollution-related disease is responsible for more than one death in four. In many parts of the world, air pollution is getting worse. Therefore, to develop the sustainable growth model of nations, we cannot neglect the risk related mortality and its damages on human welfare. I want to deal with this challenges through my future research.