すべて 2010 2009 2008 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (8件) (うち査読あり 3件) 学会発表 (14件) 図書 (8件)
社会と倫理 24
ページ: 31-47
In Proceedings of The 2010 International Conference on Community Forestry.
ページ: 60-72
SEEDer 2
ページ: 74-78
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Local Conservation and Sustainable Use of Swamp Forest in Tropical Asia.
ページ: 89-95
In Conference Papers, "International Environmental Treaties : their Role, their Possibilities, their Risks and Limitations."
ページ: 97-107
In Proceedings for the First KASEAS/CSEAS Joint International Symposium, Interdependency of Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia : the Migration, Investment, and Cultural Flow.
ページ: 21-36
In "Biosphere as a Global Force of Change," Proceedings of The Second International Conference of Kyoto University Global COE Program, In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa
ページ: 43-69
A Paper presented at the 12^<th> Biennial Conference, International Association for the Study of Commons