研究実績の概要 |
As for this year's outputs, I published a monograph, participated in a workshop, published a translation, and researched and wrote draft papers on Watsuji and environmental philosophy. The monograph was on the ethics of authenticity, and based on my doctoral thesis. I also participated in an online workshop at Rikkyo University to increase exposure of my monograph. My translation of Watsuji Tetsuro’s essay ‘Professor Kroeber’ will be also published in April 2021. I have also spent my time researching the problem of anthropocentrism and the Deep Ecology movement, which has led to two research papers. As I mentioned, the first paper focuses on the proposed research project, of Watsuji and anthropocentrism. The second paper focuses on the founder of Deep Ecology, Arne Naess and his concept of Self-realization and Watsuji’s concept of authenticity. Next academic year, 2021, I intend to produce two research papers. The first paper will focus on establishing the ecological dimensions of Watsuji's ethics. In particular, I will seek to correlate Watsuji's philosophy to the Deep Ecology movement initiated by Arnes Naess, illustrate that Watsuji's theory has the same goal, and that Watsuji's thought can further the aim of Deep Ecology by providing a philosophical framework for the concept of symbiosis.The second paper will seek to illustrate that Watsuji's ethical philosophy provides the means to overcome the problem of Anthropocentricism.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
With regards to progress to date, I published my monograph in late November, The History and Ethics of Authenticity with Bloomsbury. Participated in a workshop on my monograph which was organised at Rikkyo University by Professor Kono, and featured commentaries by Inutsuka Yu (Nagoya University) and Oda Kazuaki (Osaka University). In April 2021 my translation of Watsuji's essay on Professor Koeber will be published in The Journal of East Asian Philosophy. I have also researched and written draft papers on Watsuji and the problem of anthropocentrism, as per my initial research proposal, and gone beyond this by also writing a draft article on Watsuji and Arne Naess' theory of Ecosophy.