研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 東北大学 |
研究分担者 |
キーニ ミナクシ 東北大学, 農学研究科, 助教 (20868517)
研究期間 (年度) |
2020-11-13 – 2023-03-31
キーワード | Rohingya / Gender Dynamics / Livelihood / Refugee settlements / Comparative Study / Nepal / Bangladesh |
研究実績の概要 |
Due to covid-19, there were difficulties in gaining permission to enter the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh. Hence, the research was decided to be conducted at the Rohingya refugee camps in Nepal. With help from Tribhuvan and Mid-west University, 250 Rohingya respondents were interviewed on February 2022. The data of which is currently being analyzed. Along with this, 2 NGO volunteers and 2 camp leaders were also interviewed. Additionally, a face-to-face meeting was held between the principal investigator and the vice-chancellor of Mid-west University, where talks regarding future collaboration activities were discussed. In February, documents for permission were submitted to the Office of Refugee Relief and Repatriation Committee, Bangladesh which is currently awaiting approval.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
The research is progressing steadily. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, there has been a delay in the collection of data. However, currently, the data from Nepal is being analyzed and a paper on the gender dynamics of Rohingya refugees in Nepal will be sent in for publication by June. In January , the government of Bangladesh resumed entry activities into refugee camps. Hence, with the help of International Rescue Committee (an NGO in Bangladesh) documents for permission to conduct a research survey for 250 respondents were submitted in February end. The survey in Bangladesh is now scheduled to be held in June. The results of the following surveys will be presented at the International Rural Sociology Association XV World Congress of Rural Sociology, which is to be held in 19-22 July.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Following up on the research results from the surveys in Nepal and Bangladesh, the principal investigator plans on continuing research on the Rohingya refugees. The emphasis of the study will be on- ' Addressing sustainable livelihood constraints faced by stateless refugees.' The research will focus on the various socio-economic constraints the Rohingya refugees face towards having a sustainable livelihood. Additionally, the research will also focus on the host population's reaction and the impact of the refugee population's choice of livelihood.