I completed my the first round of my analysis of temporal variability of the activity of Okinawan ant communities. This study's final results will contribute to the growing evidence that human development may be responsible for loss of natural seasonal patterns in insects. Sites with higher human development had diminished community seasonality, reduced synchrony (all species having similar activity patterns), and higher randomness compared to sites with greater forest cover.I began writing the first draft of a manuscript on this study, and I presented on my results at one national conference (Ecological Society of Japan 2021) and two academic meetings (Yokohama National University Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Akira Mori Research Lab Public Seminar, 2021; Ecological Society of Japan, Kanto Branch Public Online Symposium: Human-nature systems in ecological studies and ecosystem/resource management, 2021).
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
The study is nearly complete and the paper is going well.
The next step is to finalize the analyses and the manuscript, and then submit to a high-impact journal.
すべて 2022 2021 その他
すべて 国際共同研究 (1件) 雑誌論文 (10件) (うち国際共著 10件、 査読あり 10件、 オープンアクセス 8件) 学会発表 (2件) (うち招待講演 1件)
Global Change Biology
巻: 28 ページ: 4143~4162
Frontiers of Biogeography
巻: 14 ページ: e53589
Biodiversity Informatics
巻: 17 ページ: 1~9
Ecological Research
巻: 37 ページ: 466~470
巻: 44 ページ: 1228~1235
Molecular Ecology
巻: 30 ページ: 3840~3855
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
巻: 12 ページ: 1602~1608
Global Ecology and Conservation
巻: 27 ページ: e01569~e01569
Diversity and Distributions
巻: 27 ページ: 684~695
巻: 44 ページ: 199~205