研究実績の概要 |
At the beginning of FY2021, questionnaire preparation and survey orientation to the enumerators were accomplished for conducting the pilot survey. However, freshly started pilot survey was stopped due to the start of lockdown. Because of uncertainty regarding the end of lockdown, the pilot survey was aborted. Instead agricultural expert in the study area was approached and collaborated by mid-June for deciding the farmer survey sites and for planning and executing the survey. Questionnaire for the survey was prepared, budget was planned, and contract was signed with the collaborator by the end of June. In July, survey orientation meetings with the enumerators were held and questionnaire was modified and the survey began in August. Ethical approval from ‘research ethics committee’ of UNU-IAS was applied and obtained. The survey was completed by mid-September. Revised and cleaned data was obtained by the end of February and data analysis is ongoing. Another collaborator was coordinated for collection of information, implementation of survey of agro-industry holders, and secondary data collection. Questionnaire for the survey was prepared, budget was planned, and the contract was signed by June. Information was collected by July, questionnaire survey was finished by October, and secondary data collection was completed by March. Two scientific peer-reviewed articles, one UNU-IAS policy brief, and one news article in Diplomatic Courier which is an English magazine based in Washington, D.C. have been published. Contributed as a panellist in two webinars organized by UNU-IAS.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
The implementation of research activities was as planned for all, except for data analysis and preparation and submission of manuscript. The future plan for the current research work comprises data analysis, and manuscript preparation and submission. Although most of the survey works were finished within FY 2021, they were slightly delayed because the lockdown was imposed in the study area. In addition, data collection, input, and cleaning was delayed because the collaborators and enumerators were infected with COVID-19. Therefore, although we were able to complete field work by FY2021, the schedule for the project activities were amended and got delayed. Particularly, completion of data analysis and preparation and submission of manuscript have been delayed.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Briefly write how to develop/continue your current research in the future. Also, describe the issues/challenges if you have any, and indicate if you need to change the plans/direction. The future plan for the current research work comprises data analysis, manuscript preparation and submission, conference presentation, report submission, and final presentation. Data analysis and manuscript preparation will be done during May, June, and July 2022. Manuscript will be submitted by the end of June or mid July. Second manuscript will be prepared during July and August 2022 and will be submitted by the end of August 2022. Research will be submitted for presentation in conferences during May to September 2022. Report for submission to JSPS will be prepared during August and September 2022 and will be submitted by September end. Final presentation will be prepared and conducted by the end of September 2022.