研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 慶應義塾大学 |
研究代表者 |
蟹江 憲史 慶應義塾大学, 政策・メディア研究科(藤沢), 教授 (90326463)
研究分担者 |
KANDPAL RICHA 慶應義塾大学, 環境情報学部, 外国人特別研究員
研究期間 (年度) |
2020-11-13 – 2023-03-31
キーワード | Governance / Transformation / Local governments / SDG localization / Stakeholder engagement / Urban development / Institutional frameworks |
研究実績の概要 |
The research is focused on analysing how the institutions and governance capacity shape the choices and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) localization strategies. The research activity in FY2 mainly focused on (i) assessing the governance transformation in India towards localization of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, and (ii) primary surveys on multi-stakeholder engagement in the process of SDG localization within selected cities of India. The assessment of governance transformation was done based on the outputs of desktop research in FY1. The analysis was done under the framework of transitions approach in governance, comprising of strategic changes, tactical changes, operational changes, and reflexive changes. From the analysis in this research it is found that the complementary functioning of cooperative and competitive federalism for SDG localization in India is still in the developing stages and the main challenges are in terms of data systems, cherry picking of indicators, existing socio-economic disparities in subnational context and lacking participation of non-state actors in the process. Implementation of national-level strategies and recommendations at the subnational level is found to be varying across governments. For the study on multi-stakeholder engagement, the data collection work has been completed and the Fellow is working on analysis and compilation of results. A review of multi-stakeholder engagement in other countries of Asia-Pacific is also being carried out simultaneously to develop a policy brief on the subject.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The research is progressing on schedule. Some aspects of the proposed methodology were changed due to restrictions on travel. The first analysis on the governance transformation for SDG localisation in India has been completed. Findings have been made at the national and subnational levels focussing on SDG 11. These have been compiled in the form of a journal paper draft. The process of submission and review will be continued in FY3. For the next step of the study on multi-stakeholder engagement, interview surveys were conducted for officials from various urban local bodies within metropolitan regions through the help of research assistants in India. Training sessions were conducted for them prior to beginning the surveys. The questionnaire was designed with a perspective of understanding the status of inclusion of diverse stakeholders in the SDG localisation activities. The results are yet to be fully interpreted and the analysis is scheduled to be finished, subsequently followed by the development of a research paper, in FY3. Regarding dissemination of the research findings, the Fellow presented a paper at the 2021 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance. Currently the Fellow is working on the development of two policy briefs on ‘Monitoring and Evaluation of SDGs’, and ‘Multi-stakeholder engagement for advancing the localisation of Sustainable Development Goals in Asia-Pacific’ respectively.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
During FY3, the work will be focused on analysing the data obtained through the interview surveys on multi-stakeholder engagement by urban local bodies in India. The inferences from this study will be compiled into a research publication. The results are expected to contribute to enabling cooperative governance involving multiple stakeholders for the effective implementation of the SDGs in the urban areas of India. In addition to this, a review of initiatives in the Asia-Pacific is in process to analyse the existing level of engagement, and the actions being taken by various governments to promote engagement. From these analyses, the Fellow will develop policy recommendations on institutional structures and processes to improve stakeholder engagement for effective localization of SDGs. An abstract on ‘Aligning peri-urban land use planning with Sustainable Development Goals in the case of India’ has also been accepted for presentation at the 5th WPSC and 16th APSA Congress in 2022. In this study a theoretical construct will be developed on how the development planning strategies can be supported to align the planning processes with SDGs. From the final results of all the forementioned studies the main factors hindering effective SDG localization, with a focus o SDG 11, will be deduced; and strategies will be proposed to adapt development planning processes to SDG targets through institutional strengthening and improved stakeholder engagement.