Research in this period focused on constructing systems to support teachers in the creation of knowledge maps of learning materials that have been uploaded to an e-book reading system. In particular we focused on the automated labeling of knowledge concepts in Mathematics taugh in Japanese, as it was previously identified as a problematic task. This resulted in a human-in-the-loop system for semi-automated labeling to support teachers. It was found that the system could both reduce the burden and increase the accuracy of the labeling task and results were disseminated as several articles in international journals. These labeled knowledge concepts were then used to provide recommendations in both Maths and English education contexts and presented at international conferences and disseminated as articles in jorunals. The results of this project have spawned several new projects and research themes. This demonstrates the impact and bredth of the results that were obtained during this project.
すべて 2023 2022 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (27件) (うち国際共著 8件、 査読あり 27件、 オープンアクセス 24件) 学会発表 (15件) (うち国際学会 15件) 備考 (1件) 学会・シンポジウム開催 (3件)
Communications of the ACM
巻: 66 ページ: 72~74
Smart Learning Environments
巻: 10 ページ: -
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge
巻: - ページ: -
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
巻: 19 ページ: 028~028
巻: 19 ページ: 019~019
Interactive Learning Environments
巻: 31 ページ: 5970~5994
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence
巻: 3 ページ: 100058~100058
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
巻: 19 ページ: -
巻: - ページ: 1~18
巻: - ページ: 1~24
IEEE Access
巻: 10 ページ: 99525~99540
巻: 3 ページ: 100104~100104
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge
巻: - ページ: 458-464
Companion Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge
巻: - ページ: 152-155
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Predicting Performance Based on the Analysis of Reading Behavior
2022 IEEE 22th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT)
巻: - ページ: 95-97.
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
巻: - ページ: 24-27
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED)
巻: - ページ: 306-310
巻: - ページ: 39
30th International Conference on Computers in Education Conference Proceedings
巻: - ページ: 7-12
巻: - ページ: 642-647
巻: - ページ: 561-570
巻: - ページ: 581-583
巻: - ページ: 24-32
巻: - ページ: 64-73
巻: - ページ: 91-95