研究実績の概要 |
In FY2022, we achieved both ultrahigh spatial-resolution thermal measurements and high-precision fabrication of nanostructures for the study of wave-like heat conduction. First, we combined the electron beam (EB) heating with two suspended line-shaped heat flux sensors and achieved the in-situ thermal resistance mapping along a single carbon nanotube (CNT) in a scanning electron microscope with a nanometer-range spatial resolution. The CNT is anchored between the two suspended metal lines, and the focused electron beam heats the CNT locally with an ultrahigh spatial resolution, while the two metal lines simultaneously measure the heat fluxes induced by the EB heating. We can obtain the spatially resolved thermal resistance by sweeping the focused EB along the CNT. This achievement has been published in International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer and paved the way for the experimental elucidation of various localized heat conduction phenomena, including the wave effect. Second, we developed a method to fabricate ultrafine nanopores of ~5nm diameter on monolayer graphene with the high-energy electron beam in the transmission electron microscope (TEM). We also realized in-situ annealing of nanoporous silicon thin films in TEM, and fabricated silicon nanostructures with ultrafine edges for the elucidation of wave-like heat conduction.