研究実績の概要 |
This study aims to examine the secular trend of urinary phthalate metabolites in children and the association between metabolites and building characteristics. The metabolites were detected in more than 96% of the children. Higher phthalate metabolite levels were observed in children living in houses with low annual income, in old buildings, and with window opening habits of more than 1 hour/day. In contrast, children in houses that vacuumed more frequently showed a lower level of metabolites level. This is the first study to show a stable trend of the internal exposure of phthalate metabolites in Japanese children between 2012 and 2017. This indicates despite the regulation of phthalates in Japan, consistent exposure still exists. This study finding suggests follow-up studies with a large population size to elucidate exposure changes over time is needed. In addition questionnaire based study on lifestyle behavior of children effect in sick building syndrome symptoms were investigated. The result showed children who skip eating breakfast, faddiness, with constipation, insufficient sleep, not feeling refreshed after sleep, and lacked deep sleep has higher risk of having the symptoms. In addition children living in old house, with no ventilation, wall-to-wall carpet, and heavy nearby traffic were associated with elevated mucosal symptom, while living in a multifamily home increased general symptoms.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
In this final year of PhD, I am planning to finish preparation of 2nd manuscript titled “Association of urinary phthalate metabolites with respiratory and allergic symptoms mediated by oxidative stress in children” and submit for publication. Furthermore, I plan to measure more urine samples with previously validated method for phthalate metabolites and their alternative compounds such as DINCH. Possible internship to obtain practical work experience to support what I have been learning in graduate school. Preparation and defending of my dissertation thesis to fulfill PhD requirement for graduation.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In this final year of PhD, I am planning to finish preparation of 2nd manuscript titled “Association of urinary phthalate metabolites with respiratory and allergic symptoms mediated by oxidative stress in children” and submit for publication. Furthermore, measurement of urine samples analysis for phthalate metabolites and their alternative compounds such as DINCH. Possible internship to obtain practical work experience to support what I have been learning in graduate school. Preparation and defending of my dissertation thesis to fulfill PhD requirement for graduation.