研究実績の概要 |
During the final year of my grant, I completed two single-authored books in Japanese: (1)『ジャズピアノ――その歴史から聴き方まで』(岩波書店、上下二巻、2023年10-11月(Jazz Piano: A History and Listening Guide, published in two volumes by Iwanami shoten, Oct./Nov. 2023);(2) 『ピアノトリオ――モダンジャズへの入り口』(岩波新書、2024年3月)(The Piano Trio: A Gateway to Modern Jazz, Iwanami shinsho, March 2024). (1) is a comprehensive study of the history of jazz piano from its origins in the late 19th century to the present day. In February 2024, this book was awarded 芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞(評論部門), an award given annually by the Ministry of Culture for work contributing to the arts during the previous year. (2) is aimed primarily at a general readership. This a briefer study of the jazz piano trio, surveying its origins in the 1930s through the present day.