研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 日本大学 |
研究代表者 |
Schmidt M・G 日本大学, 文理学部, 教授 (20400616)
研究分担者 |
永井 典子 茨城大学, 人文社会科学部, 教授 (60261723)
長沼 君主 東海大学, 国際教育センター, 教授 (20365836)
Birch Gregory 清泉女学院大学, 人間学部, 教授 (60722303)
Bower Jack 帝塚山大学, 全学教育開発センター, 准教授 (90406687)
研究期間 (年度) |
2020-04-01 – 2023-03-31
キーワード | Action research / CEFR / CEFR CV / Action research model |
研究実績の概要 |
In the first year of the Kaken project the research team conducted as outlined in the research plan a critical literature and research review on various Action Research models. Many models seem to be similar at a frist view but going into the details of each step there are significant differences related to labeling and contents. Our context is the foreign language education in combination with the CEFR as a reference and concepual tool, therefore we worked through the steps necessary and suggest a 3-stage model called CARM: CEFR-informed Action Research Model which will be the base for this project. The next step achieved was a call for collaborators through the JALT CEFR and LP SIG network, presenting the project and the CARM model and building a larger research team for numerous small-scale action research projects. The final step of the first year was get started with the small scale research projects to complete stage 1 of the CARM cycle: Plan - Preparing for and developing a research plan. This could be achieved through a workbook with key questions for each collaborator / research project, along with individual and group meetings and finally presenting in March more than 10 outlined small-scale model research plans, achieving our goals for year 1 and giving an outlook to the next stage 2 of year 2. One challenge we witnessed was that the original five divisions: curriculum, assessment, learner autonomy and language portfolio, teaching material, classroom implementation seem not to fit the needs of the collaborators and their small-scale research projects.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
We could achieve what we planned for the first year, reviewing the Action research literature, developing the CARM model, getting out the call for collaborators and initiating the first stage of our CARM model with concrete research plans presented for a number of small-scale research projects. The challenges will inform the year 2 discussion and will help to improve the research.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In the second year we will implement the research plans developed along the CARM model for stage 1 for the small-scale research projects and initiate stage 2. Stage 2 aims for Action: Trying out new ideas / Making an intervention and collecting data. We will have to address the challenge of the first year that the areas of the implementation do not seem to fit the needs of the small-scale research projects. Several workshops with invited scholars are planned for the second year to support the research team and the collaborators small-scale research projects.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
Because of Covid19 many conferences were held online. The travel expenses were lesser than planned. The other plans have not been changed. In 2021 we plan to invite international scholars on Action Research and the CEFR to support the research team and the collaborators, the money will be used for honorarium.