研究実績の概要 |
Economic Geography has previously put focus on corporate entities, but Management Geography follows an actor-centered approach. Methodological development is needed to spur theoretical explanations about outcomes of managerial decision making and networking. A contextual management appraisal investigating international managers’ proximity and choice of communication channels has been developed to investigate synergy creation in intercultural teams. The model suggests that geographical, institutional, organizational, social, cognitive, and cultural proximity affect the extent to which intercultural synergy is realized and enables promoters to integrate diverse actors into their network. The main hypothesis is that the closer the proximity of the promotor, the better the performance of the intercultural team. To test the hypothesis, a questionnaire survey has been conducted with members listed by German Japanese Business Forum (DJW). DJW lists 1200 members, but the sample will compromise about 200 members who have taken a promoter role as members of the DJW. An exploratory sequential mixed methods approach combining questionnaire and personal interviews has provided new insights. The proximity, channels, and managerial practices were codified and correlated with variables evaluating managerial success. The triangulation of qualitative and quantitative research showed that proximity, and the choice of appropriate communication channels lead indeed to synergetic outcomes, but it was also observed that intercultural competence development is crucial for synergy creation.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
My single case study embeds multiple units of analysis to understand the degree of proximity and use of appropriate channels for the creation of intercultural spaces. As an embedded unit of the qualitative research on intercultural teamwork, focus group meetings on the topic of trust and synergy have been conducted. The transcription of previous meetings is partly done. Using MyNetworkMap, an innovative online questionnaire has been developed and advertised on the DJW’s homepage. I organized a workshop entitled From Theorizing to Empirical Research in the New Field of Management Geography at Poznan University of Economics and Business in February 2022. The workshop was designed to show how to visualize managerial relations and to discusses he advantages of an actor-centered approach. Using a chain sampling method 44 agile members have filled out the questionnaire and with Covid-19 precaution 25 interviews were conducted. The case study research indicates that promoters need to balance the proximities in purpose to succeed with the creation of intercultural spaces for innovation communities able to perform well in intercultural settings. Qualitative analysis is needed to support this assumption with certainty. A sample comprising about 200 members of the DJW is now used to contact further agile DJW members in purpose to improve the return rate of the online questionnaire survey and complete the interview survey as proposed.