研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 一橋大学 |
研究代表者 |
馬 徳斌 一橋大学, 経済研究所, 教授 (80861062)
研究分担者 |
斎藤 修 一橋大学, その他部局等, 名誉教授 (40051867)
森口 千晶 一橋大学, 経済研究所, 教授 (40569050)
研究期間 (年度) |
2020-04-01 – 2023-03-31
キーワード | Environment / Institutions / Warfare / State Capacity / Long-run development |
研究実績の概要 |
For this fiscal year, we have progressed on several fronts. Debin Ma and his co-author Chen Shuo has produced an important full-length working paper “States and Wars: China’s Long March towards Unity and its Consequences, 221 BC-1911 AD”. This papers compiles two thousand years of data on incidences of warfare, number of states and incidences of natural disasters to demonstrate how agrarian-nomadic warfare impact the unity and fragmentation of Chinese states. Second, Debin Ma has produced a book chapter “Ideology and the Contours of Economic Change in Modern China, 1850-1950” which specifically compares the importance of ideology on impacting the differential paths of modernization in Japan and China. Both of these two papers emphasize how ideology interact with environment and geography to affect long-term economic development. Debin Ma has already presented his works in several seminars and conferences and received valuable advice. Co-PI Professor Osamu Saito has also produced working papers and book chapter on the industrialization of Japan. Professor Chiaki Moriguchi has continued to work on the aspect of state-building and fiscal capacity of Japan. We have had several informal meetings to discuss our on-going project.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
As you can see overall, the project is progressing smoothly with a steady stream of research output as well as more groundwork being laid for continuing the project in the next two years and beyond. Debin Ma has been working on new papers and discussing with other external collaborators on this research project. Obviously, the project this year is somewhat negatively impacted by the covid pandemic which made international travels and face-to-face exchange extremely difficult. As expect things will improve, our project will proceed more smoothly.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Hopefully, with the improving covid virus environment, we expect to make major progress in the coming two years. Debin Ma is pushing the project in several directions. Firstly, he is in the process of carefully revising the “Wars and States” paper to make it ready to be submitted to a journal after having receiving many valuable comments. Secondly, Debin Ma is now actively working with Professor Jared Rubin on a working paper specifically comparing the path of modernization in Japan and China and developing a theory of the role of ideology and ideological change. Thirdly, the three PI and Co-Pi intend to work more closely in the coming fiscal year on the theme of Japan-China comparison both with a longer time perspective and more detailed sectors. As international travels improve, we are planning to invite scholars from overseas and where possible organize small-scale workshops to disseminate our results.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
Due to the covid situation this year, we were not able to use any of the research funds for inviting scholars or visiting them. We hope to make use of them in the coming year. We expect research money in the coming year will be planned for international travels, knowledge exchange through invitation of scholars and research assistance for data-entry, copy-editing and etc. Specifically, we would like to invite Professors Shuo Chen (Fudan University), James Kung (Hong Kong University), Zhiwu Chen (Hong Kong University), Tuan Hwee Sng (National University of Singapore), Nuno Palma (University of Manchester), Jared Rubin (Chapman University, USA). This will give us a chance to collaborate and use the resources both in Japan and abroad.