研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 一橋大学 |
研究代表者 |
馬 徳斌 一橋大学, 経済研究所, 教授 (80861062)
研究分担者 |
斎藤 修 一橋大学, その他部局等, 名誉教授 (40051867)
森口 千晶 一橋大学, 経済研究所, 教授 (40569050)
研究期間 (年度) |
2020-04-01 – 2022-03-31
キーワード | Environment / Institutions / Warfare / State Capacity / Long-run development |
研究実績の概要 |
During April-Dec. 2021, I have mainly made progress in three different areas of my research related to my JSPS grant. Firstly, I have presented my paper on states and wars in two thousand years of Chinese history (co-authored Professor Chen Shuo of Fudan University) in several papers and received many feedback. We have revised it substantially and are ready to submit to a journal. Secondly, I have worked the long-term environmental impact on Chinese agriculture and growth trajectory. This is now published in Economic Research 経済研究 as listed and also a book chapter. Thirdly, I have been working on the role of ideology in long-term Chinese state formation and in the different impact on economic policies in Japan and China (interacting with the environment and warfare). This is published as book chapter and discussion paper in 2021. I am now working Professor Jared Rubin of Chapman University (USA) to develop a formal model and full research article in the coming years. I have also worked closely with my research collaborators of this research grant. I have had extensive discussions with Professor Osamu Saito on the economic development in Tokugawa Japan and its comparison with Qing China. With Professor Chiaki Moriguchi, we have discussed the relative pattern of state formation and fiscal system in early modern and modern Japan and China. All three of us participated in the organization of Quantitative History Webinar Series jointly sponsored by Hong Kong University and Hitotsubashi University on May 26th 2021.
備考 |
"States and Wars: China's Long March towards Unity and its Long-Term Consequences, 750 BC-1911 AD (Suo, C. and D. Ma), 2020, CEPR DP15187" revised in 2021, and now ready to be submitted to a journal.