研究実績の概要 |
A new ostracod species of the genus Sarscypridopsis from a rice field in Kanagawa Prefecture was described and published. We concluded that this species could be an invasive species in Japan, and its description and naming will enable further monitoring. A second new species, belonging to the genus Dolerocypris, was found in a rice field in Osaka. At present further efforts are being undertaken to obtain more specimens to facilitate a description. DNA barcoding of typical ostracods species inhabiting rice fields was only partially successful. Of the 14 species analyzed, DNA barcodes were recovered for three species. Further records of ostracods from rice fields were published in a paper about the non-marine ostracod fauna of Tsushima, which provides zoogeographically important data about the distribution of some rice field species. Work continued on ostracod species found contaminating pet shops, which could potentially become invasive in Japanese rice fields. Seven are new records for Japan, and several are known as invasive species of rice fields in other countries. More rice field records were entered into the East Asian Non-marine Ostracod Database. Work to integrate this data with the open-access international Neotoma Database is at an advanced stage, with data scheduled to be uploaded this year.