研究実績の概要 |
The present research project explores discourses on dress regulations by Confucian scholars of the Tokugawa period (1600-1868). Moreover, it makes related primary sources accessible to the international research community through annotated translations into the English language. According to the original proposal stage one of the present research project had the following objectives: (1) the acquisition and analysis of related primary sources with a focus on materials from the 17th century; (2) a survey of Chinese Confucian concepts and theories regarding dress regulations; (3) the translation of representative passages from primary sources; (4) a summary of the preliminary results of stage one of the present research project in form a research article.
During the first stage of the present research project more than ten primary sources from the 17th century have been examined. Additional primary sources from the same period as well as from the 18th century have already been identified in archives and databases. Furthermore, representative research literature has been acquired and examined. Most importantly, on the basis of an extensive analysis of the primary sources key topics and key concepts have been identified, which structured the discourses on dress regulations during the 17th century. As part of the ongoing project a translation of Nakai Riken’s “Shin’i zukai” (1765) has been initiated and which will be continued in the second stage of the present research project.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
4: 遅れている
Three main factors are responsible for a considerable delay of the original plan for the execution of first stage of the present research project: First, due to the influence of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic the amount of time usually demanded for fulfilling teaching requirement nearly tripled, including the administration of online assignments and supervising of international students outside of Japan. Consequently, the amount of time stated in the original proposal (research commitment 70%) was greatly reduced. Second, due to the measures taken by the Japanese government in order to control the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Japan, libraries, local archives, and other public institutions were closed down for longer periods of time during the conduct of the first stage of the present research project. As a result, the research of primary sources in libraries throughout Japan as well as the use of interlibrary services was greatly limited and therefore influence the research environment for the realization of the first stage of the present research project substantially. Finally, due to the cancelation of conferences, research groups, and symposia during the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the opportunity to present the preliminary results of present research to the research community (nationally as well as internationally) was prevented. However, discussion and critic by the research community is crucial for further developing of the present project.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
- The completion of the first stage of the original research proposal is planned until the late summer of the present year 2021. - The objective of the second stage of the present research project is to reconstruct the discourses on dress regulations by Confucian scholars in 18th century Japan. However, the conduct of research activities is expected to be delayed due to the influence of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, research expeditions for the examination and acquisition of new primary sources in archives throughout Japan have been rescheduled to the second part of the present year 2021. Moreover, due to the negative influence of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic on the research environment it is planned to make extensive use of online resources and other research institutions (e.g. interlibrary services and online databases) in order to fulfill at least 40% of the goals according to the original research proposal. A publication of the preliminary results of stage one of the present project in form of a research article is planned in the second half of the present year 2021.