1. Process experimental data of UHPFRC beams obtained from 4-point static flexural tests under different load speeds and ages as well as fatigue flexural tests under different stress levels.2. Conduct FEA on the tested UHPFRC beams and fit the experimental data to obtain the material degradation law.3. Investigate the tested specimens using NDT techniques, such as microscope and CT scan to uncover the degradation and failure mechanisms.4. Analyze the fatigue performance of steel deck plate strengthened with UHPFRC overlay under dry and wet conditions using the degradation law obtained from Achievement 2.
すべて 2022 2021
すべて 雑誌論文 (4件) (うち査読あり 4件) 学会発表 (8件)
Construction and Building Materials
巻: 328 ページ: 127104~127104
Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology
巻: 20 ページ: 85~102
Engineering Structures
巻: 249 ページ: 113330~113330
巻: 33 ページ: 1327~1339