研究実績の概要 |
The final year allowed to further confirm and strengthen some results that emerged mostly as hypotheses in the second year. In particular, it has been confirmed that it is indeed difficult to steer individual people in a familiar environment although hints also show that light could be potentially effective (but, still, to a limited extent). At the same time, the analysis of past crowd experiments allowed to show that, similarly to animals swarms, also human crowds are steered more easily when density is sufficiently high and interaction time sufficiently long. These results were presented to an international conference (TGF2022) attracting the interest from the audience. Regarding swarm of crabs it was possible to gain additional experimental data to strengthen statistical validity of the previous results. New experimental conditions were also tested, thus making the experimental set complete to allow an in-depth analysis. The research involving crabs was also presented to an international conference (ACRI2022) and was also warmly welcomed from the participants particularly attracting attention for its originality and the clarity of the presentation. In addition, results were obtained from the survey carried out in the first year and were summarized in a submitted paper. It has been shown that environment affects human life in different ways, but culture also plays a very important role. Finally, the sensing system developed to test hive's conditions for bees was successfully installed in two locations and has been tested for over half a year with satisfying results.