In summary, our results study shows that cognition plays a major role in human cerebellum (> 40%) whereas in macaque only a small fraction is associated with cognitive functions (< 15%). Interestingly, in macaques we find cerebro-cerebral functional connectivity associated with early auditory processing which is absent in humans. Based on topological arrangement, this macaque cerebro-cerebral auditory circuit appears to have evolved into a human language network. Relevant to the grant, two first authorship publications have been completed (2x NeuroImage) and further three first authorship manuscripts are under preparation.
3: やや遅れている
Data acquisition has been successfully completed and the initial data analyses proceeded according to the plan. However, the project was delayed by two major and unfortunate set backs: 1) the data acquisition was delayed due to covid-19 and 2) initial macaque and human data analyses were lost due to the failure of data server system summer 2022. Both of the factors were independent from the principal investigator (me). Notwithstanding, data is currently being re-analyzed and figures for the publication re-generated.
All raw data has been recovered that was lost in the server failure (see above). The data analysis pipeline is almost re-established for the macaque monkey. This will be followed by manual artifact de-noising of each subject and generation of robust group-level functional connectivity maps. Then, newly acquired high-resolution structural MR images will be used for generation of cerebellum surface map in macaques. Finally, the functional cerebellum surface maps will be directly compared with those achieved in humans.
To be used for paper submission (submission costs), preparation (PC for analysis), and travel expenses for conference presentations.
すべて 2022 その他
すべて 国際共同研究 (2件) 雑誌論文 (5件) (うち国際共著 5件、 査読あり 5件、 オープンアクセス 5件) 学会発表 (5件)
巻: 258 ページ: 119360~119360
巻: 250 ページ: 118965~118965
巻: 110 ページ: 16~20
巻: - ページ: -
Brain Structure and Function