研究実績の概要 |
Increasing motivation when things do not go as expected is an important ability that leads to future success. If one lacks this ability, he/she will be socially unsuccessful and will lead to problems such as depression after experiencing a setback. In animal behavior, overcoming disappointments in foraging and courtship, which are often not immediately successful, are critical for their survival. However, the neural mechanisms underlying the motivation to overcome disappointment are unknown. This study aims to reveal a new type of activity of midbrain dopamine neurons, the most important element of the brain reward system that was traditionally thought to be critical for passive acceptance of disappointment, for such motivation. By introducing calcium imaging at single-cell resolution, we have identified many dopamine neurons that increase their activity in response to reward omission. We have been analyzing in which part of the midbrain these dopamine neurons can be found. By clarifying the nature of new dopamine neurons, this study will revise the current understanding of the fundamental functions of dopamine neurons and the pathology of psychiatric disorders in which dopamine neurons are deeply involved.