研究実績の概要 |
In the financial year 2020, I developed a preliminary GeoFlink framework and wrote a conference paper which was published in CIKM2020. GeoFlink, extends Apache Flink to support spatial data types, indexes, and continuous queries over spatial data streams. To enable efficient processing of spatial continuous queries and for the effective data distribution across Flink cluster nodes, a gird-based index is introduced. The grid index helps pruning out the spatial objects which cannot be part of the query result. GeoFlink currently supports spatial range, spatial kNN and spatial join queries on point data type. The GeoFlink framework is open source, available at Github and is registered as an AIST intellectual property.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
As part of the future work, I am working on GeoFlink extension to support multiple input data formats, for instance, csv, tsv, etc. and geometries, for instance, MultiPoint, Polygon, LineString, MultiPolygon, and MultiLineString. Furthermore, I will write a journal paper consisting of all the contributions.