今後の研究の推進方策 |
2021年度までの研究成果を広く発信するため、現在、欧米学術誌に投稿中の以下の論文が掲載に至るよう、審査者からのコメントを的確に反映する。 ① Murashima (Under review), “Factors affecting socially responsible investment for retail investors during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative analysis of the US, Germany, and Japan”, Journal of Business Ethics ② Murashima (Under review), “Impact of COVID-19 on the relationship between ESG risk and corporate resilience, stock returns, and firm performance: Evidence from Japanese firms”, Journal of Management Control ③ Murashima (Under review), “Does CSR affect investor decision-making in the automobile industry? Empirical evidence from Japan”, International Review of Financial Analysis④ Murashima (Under review), “Social responsibility communication and investor responses: An empirical study of investor behavior in Japan.”, Asia-Pacific Financial Markets⑤ Murashima (Under review), “Do tragic events make investors more pro-social? : Evidence from Japan.”, International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics
また、以下のような学会の発表を通じて、国内外の多くの研究者からのフィードバックを得る。①経営行動研究学会第120回研究部会②The 30th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management