研究実績の概要 |
During the course of this project, Andrew Mathas and Anton Evseev released a proof of cellularity for the type C cyclotomic KLR algebras. We have redirected our efforts into related structural questions for type C KLR algebras. We have almost completed a paper, joint with Chris Chung and Andrew Mathas, in which we determine graded decomposition matrices for small rank level 1 cyclotomic KLR algebras in type C, as well as the structures of many Specht modules. We have another ongoing project studying arbitrary cyclotomic quotients in finite type C in further detail. Our joint work with Susumu Ariki last year showed that all weight 2 and weight 3 blocks of type A Hecke algebras are Schurian-infinite, along with several families of blocks of larger weight. This year, we extended this with Sinead Lyle to prove that all blocks of weight at least 2 are Schurian-infinite. Finally, I have supervised PhD students working on projects relating to type C KLR algebras, too. My student Berta Hudak, together with my postdoc Chris Chung, has recently completed a preprint in which the representation type of all level 1 cyclotomic KLR algebras in type C are determined, generalising results of Ariki and Park. My other student Martin Forsberg Conde is working on homomorphisms between Specht modules in type C, in particular aiming to prove a Carter-Payne type theorem there.
Besides research done for the proposed project, I have been running a fortnightly representation theory seminar over Zoom, bringing in speakers and an audience from several countries.