研究実績の概要 |
I spent eight full months at Stanford University, affiliated with the Psychology Department's Social and Cultural Psychology Lab (led by Hazel Markus, Claude Steele, Geoffery Cohen, and attended by Jeanne Tsai and Carol Dweck among others). The lab was a meeting place of scholars from around the world, allowing me to establish connections with scholars from around the world. As the Lab straddles domestic (e.g., racial achievement gaps in the United States) and international issues (e.g., messaging of international development agencies and international organizations), it provided an invaluable place to gain ideas on how to extend my existing research project. In terms of empirical research, unfortunately two unforeseen waves of the coronavirus (Delta, Omicron) prevented collaborative empirical research, interviews with education, and accessing public schools for observation or trail lessons. In addition, all of the USA-based research conferences were moved to an online format. This severely restricted the degree to which empirical data could be collected in the period I was affiliated with Stanford. Nonetheless, intensive discussions with the host researcher (Hazel Markus) led to important gains in the analytical, conceptual, and theoretical domains of the project. The foundation for long-term communication, collaboration, and communication has been established.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
As stated above, two unforeseen waves of the coronavirus made it difficult to access colleagues at Stanford and conduct the empirical parts of the research. When awarded the grant (February 2021), it appeared that COVID was subsiding. But in August-October the Delta wave occurred. Then, just as plans were laid for undertaking the research, the Omicron wave occurred (December 2021 - February 2022). At various times, Stanford faculty was encouraged to work from home and our sessions moved online. This delayed the project and forced a rethinking of what could be accomplished in under COVID conditions.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In the coming year, and depending on the COVID situation, I plan to return to Stanford for several months to complete the research. During times when Japan has no lectures (August-September; February - March),but when US schools are in session, I will seek to complete the research. I am able to continue participating in research sessions at Stanford University via a weekly seminar series, and through continued consultation with Stanford colleagues.