研究実績の概要 |
In-situ structural analysis by USAXS have revealed that the deformation mechanisms within the hydrogels have been modified even by very small amounts of co-surfactants, meaning that the chemistry of the co-surfactant is of utmost importance in this system. Such observations have led us to hypothesize that interfacial interactions between the lamellae and the gel matrix between lamellae play an important role in the deformation mechanisms during uniaxial loading or cyclic loading by helping to dissipate more energy. We expect that such understanding will help to deepen our knowledge of this system in future studies involving the mechanical response under different loading conditions. The results of this research project have been summarized into an article, submitted to the journal ACS Omega (currently under review). Thus, this research project will be published online soon. Thanks to the novelty of the work, other fundamental questions are expected to be elucidated especially regarding the mechanical behavior of this type of hydrogel. Unfortunately, USAXS conditions were not suitable to obtain any data at solution state and the SAXS machine available at the university did not give good results (even with a custom-made sample-holder) due to a lack of beam power.