研究実績の概要 |
This research mainly deal with sensing with 2D forward looking sonar. It includes the generation of a fiducial marker system, and 3D reconstruction using 2D forward looking sonar images. In the past year, there are several outcomes achieved. First, two journal papers on 3D reconstcution with acoustic images were published online. A conference paper was accepted and the presentation was carried out online. In addition, one journal paper is under review. Second, an experimet was carried out in a large-scale water tank. Successful results were witnessed. In the future, more outcomes should be achieved. Currently, one journal paper is working in progress. An experiment in real ocean environment is expected to test the algorithm.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In this year, the first tasks is to finish the PhD thesis. To finish writing the thesis, some additional experiments are necessary. In the last year, an experiment was carried out in a water tank which was successful. This year, experiment should be carried out in oceanic environments. The markers will be installed on the caissons to test the proposed algoriths. Although the forward looking sonar and the robot will be offered by the coorperated company, there still some fees should be paid by ourselves. A high performance note pc is needed for real time data processing. Some prototype of the markers should be made by ourselves for test. Before March in the next year, we are going to prepare the experiment for several months, and finally implement the experiment.