研究実績の概要 |
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on businesses’ lives in Japan, I have successfully reviewed the previous literature including academic articles, magazines, and international documents substantially. The previous literature indicates that the underlying process through which the strategic combination of EO and bricolage act as two sources of sustained competitive advantage in service firms has not been adequately investigated. Since service firms are more prone to exogenous changes and shocks, it is paramount for them to respond flexibly to a changing environment, overcome exogenous economic shocks and remain competitive. Most of the prior literature on managing service firms in crises has focused on managing the crisis itself. However, only scant scholarly attention is paid to the effects of having a robust risk management plan on ensuring sustained competitive advantage in the long run. Against this backdrop, adopting the resource-based view theory, we propose a model to investigate how EO and bricolage can contribute to achieving sustained competitive advantage in service firms through effective risk management. Further, we argue that EO and bricolage can lead to sustained competitive advantage in different ways in service firms with resources constraints due to differences in the management of firm resources. Overall, our research intends to shed light on how the strategic combination of EO and bricolage enables overcoming deleterious risks and achieving sustainable competitive advantage in service firms.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
I have reviewed the available and extant literature on my given subject. I have documented the state of the art with respect to the subject I am working on. An in-depth grasp of the subject has been reviewed using a large number of academic papers. These sources have helped me to understand where my own research fits into and adds to an existing body of agreed knowledge. Our research work employs an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design with a qualitative phase followed by a quantitative phase of data collection and analysis. We have already carried out a qualitative phase to explore and identify how service firms can strategically recombine limited resources with EO and effective risk management to create sustained competitive advantage. This exploratory phase has laid the foundation to formulate the conceptual framework to be examined in the quantitative phase of this paper. To empirically examine the proposed hypotheses, we started to conduct a paper-based survey quantitative research using various service firms located in Tokyo. I conducted four interviews with owners and top managers of service firms in Japan to ensure the content and face validity of the questionnaires. Based on their feedback, some items were modified to increase clarity. I then carried out a pilot study with seven top managers and owners of the Japanese service firms requesting them to detect any repetitive, ambiguous, or irrelevant items and provide comments about the flow and wording used in the questionnaire. I am working on collecting the data using questionnaires.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Multiple service delivery units (e.g., hotels, restaurants, training institutes) in Japan will be sampled to test the proposed hypotheses. A random sampling plan will be developed using three Japanese urban areas in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka as sampling points. One thousand two hundred survey questionnaires will be distributed to various service firms obtained from a list of service firms located in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. These service firms will span diverse industries such as accommodations and food services (e.g., hospitality and tourism services), fitness centers, and retailers. A senior manager (e.g., CEO, vice president, owner, senior marketing manager) serves as the key respondent in each firm. Our field interviews verify whether these managers are familiar with their firm's strategic orientations, ties and networking, and competitive advantages. We will use up to three waves of data collection with two reminders over six months, we hope to obtain up to 250-300 questionnaires. Multiple statistical technics using various software’s such as SPSS and AMOS will be performed to analyze the data. The findings will be compared with previou sstudies and drafted in a paper for a relevant top tired journal by the end of 2022.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
Following the research design, this budget will be used for collecting more data. I plan to conduct a paper-based survey quantitative research using various service firms located in Japan's three major areas (Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka). Then, I will conduct four interviews with owners and top managers of service firms in Japan to ensure the content and face validity of the questionnaires. In addition, I will attend some conferences to present my initial findings and getting feedback to improve the work. Also, I would like to extend the licenses of the statistical programs for one year more.