研究成果の概要 |
学術書籍の出版:1冊 (The Christ is Dead, Long Live the Christ, 2022) 学術論文の出版:2つ ("Dry, Weary, Smiling Bones", 2022; "Truth and Facts", 2023) 学術発表:3つ ("The Self as Source and Destination for Understanding the Metaphysics of Religious Experiences", 海外学会;"「主の祈り」の比較読解に基づ く考察", と"墓地から生活世界を探究する―四国での最初の隠れキリシタン"、国内学会)
研究成果の学術的意義や社会的意義 |
Better ontological comprehension of the reforms that Jesus sought and the place of those within Jewish systems of thought. Thus we further understand Christianity's relationship with Judaism. The conclusions are valuable for philosophy/phenomenology of religion, ethics, and interpersonal relations.